Monday, July 23, 2012


Preview of my new tiger piece. 

Seattle is sometimes hot and sometimes cool during the summer. Humidity is lower than Japan so I don't need to have a straight perm for my hair since I have lived here, and my allergy condition is much better too. Seattle rocks!


Many gourmet places have opened in my neighborhood these days. I highly recommend Lick pure creamery
 The "Ice-cream fairy" Michael will give you an ice cream tasting tour, just like a wine tasting. It's really good ice-cream with original flavors that I have never seen before. Another recommend is Crumble & Flake patisserie. You have to try the Smoked paprika and cheddar croissant. I also loved Fromage Blanc cream puff. They are the KILLER. Get there early, because they sell out of product super fast. . 

このごろ近所においしい店が続々と登場。特にお薦めしたいのはアイスクリーム店Lick。アイスクリームの妖精Michaelが、ワインテイスティングのようにアイスクリームを味見させてくれますよ。今までに食べたことの無い、オリジナルの味がとってもおいしいアイスクリームです。もう一店は、ベーカリーのCrumble and Flake。パプリカ&チーズクロワッサンと、シュークリームが一押し。ほっぺが落ちます。売り切れ御免の名店です。

Last weekend we took Kit to Marymoor Off leash park  and then swung by Lucky Jack's latte's open house. I support them because they are one of the few dog friendly cafe in the area. At the open house, there were Mini Australian shepherd puppies from Motley Zoo animal rescue. These little guys are ready to adoption soon. I hope they can find a good home! 

More photos Here

週末はキットMarymoorドッグパークに連れて行った際、近くのLucky Jack's latte のオープンハウスに行ってきました。犬を同伴できるカフェが少ない中頑張っているので応援しています。オープンハウスでは動物救助団体のMotley Zooがオーストラリアンシェパードの子犬と戯れるコーナーを設けていました。チビちゃんたちは里親探しの準備中。良い家族にもらわれますよう!
Kit hopes you'll enjoy summer!

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