My newest show "Rock you in a Tatami Room" is going on at The Shooting gallery in San Francisco. I had a really good time at the opening reception. It was a day after the earthquake in Japan and I was very upset before. But many people who showed up were real warm and welcoming to me. It made me smile. Thank you so much for your warm support!
The show will run through until April 2nd. I hope you can swing by to The Shooting gallery and enjoy my work in real. I hope my babies makes you smile, too :)
私の最新の展覧会「ロックユーインアタタミルーム」がサンフランシスコのThe Shooting Galleryで開催中です。当日はとても楽しいオープニングレセプションでした。東北関東大震災の翌日で、それまで辛い気持ちでいましたが、来て頂いた大勢の皆さんに暖かく迎えられて笑顔になりました。暖かいご支援をありがとうございました!
Articles about the show:
Hi-Fructose Magazine
Arrested Motion